Straight ramblin
I just opened up the tool I typically use to produce/write this content. What am I going to write about?....I don't really know, I'm basically winging as we go on....righhhhhhttttt now. I'm just stalling, but I'll try to keep going, I haven't really collected my thoughts or generally thought of a direction for this yet. This is of course just stream of consciousness. And damn, that is a hard word to type...consciencenous. I don't think I spelled it write that time. I'm not going back fixing that mistake though, so go with it, gloss it over, and forgive me, you've got better things to do... I know it. In fact, there are probably much better things to do than read this, but I thank you for sticking it through at least this far. You can leave now, go on, just do it. I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll attempt to go on a little further. Through forcing myself to write and maybe even write exactly what comes to mind stream of consciousness style, like this, and there's that word again, will likely help me become better at writing. Or ya know, just annoy more people on the internet better. Either way, it's something,. There you go, you got something, and hopefully this something is a something that you liked or rather found amusing. It was kind of fun doing it.